Claire's Snowboarding Tips & Tricks

Posted by Claire on 5th Jan 2024

Claire's Snowboarding Tips & Tricks

It’s that time of year again, when most people go into hibernation, and skiers and snow boarders are in their element! Me being the latter of the two types (we all know neither want to be associated with the other!) here’s a few of the tips that I have learnt along the way – from complete novice to slightly less novice and only spending half of the time on my bottom instead of the whole holiday…

Layers, lots of them…

Base layers are your friend, and believe it or not, the thinner the better. If you’ve never tried to snowboard, trust me, you get very warm. However, you can be on a chair lift for a fair while and it’s amazing how quickly you can then get chilly, and this where your layers come in. Specially designed base layers will wick away moisture and sweat ensuring you stay fresh and dry all day. Leggings or long johns may be the most unflattering items ever but worn underneath your boarding trousers they will keep you toasty and be seriously comfortable too!

Water, not Wine

Water may not be the first thing that comes to mind when we are talking about spending time on the mountains, but drinking plenty of water will keep you and your muscles hydrated. You can enjoy your vin chaud in between runs of course, but having water to hand at all times will help you no end and can aid in keeping muscle cramps at bay.

A Fantastic Rucksack

A rucksack can be an invaluable piece of kit up the mountain, for carrying the aforementioned water, snacks, camera, map and possibly even a hip flask! Don’t fill it too full, of course, but it’s amazing how much you may find you need, and it saves filling your pockets which can be uncomfortable and put your items at risk. Our favourite:

Find the Right Socks

Having cold, wet feet will make you miserable, regardless of how fantastic the conditions are. Experiment with finding the right socks prior to your holiday, as this will all depend on the fit of your boots and what sort of fit you like. If your boots are already snug, go for a thin silky sock which will provide warmth but won’t make your boots tight, and if like me, you have room in your boots and like a tight feel, thicker socks, designed for sport, are perfect. Long socks are ideal, as they can go over the top of your leggings providing a little extra warmth for your legs, and won’t creep down your ankles causing rubs and sores. Spend time out and about in your boots and chosen sock type, as spending a whole day in your boots is very different to a walk around the house!

Find a Great Stomp Pad

Button, drag, and chair lifts were not designed for snowboarders, and while falling over getting on or off a lift can be funny the first few times, it soon gets a bit annoying! (Trust me!) A good stomp pad will prevent your board from slipping away from your free foot and enable you go glide elegantly away from a chair lift without becoming a source of embarrassment for your friends, and anybody who can negotiate a button or drag lift without this great little piece of kit is a hero in my eyes!

Take a camera

It doesn’t have to be a top of the range, all singing, all dancing camera, but you will be thankful for having something on which to capture your memories and the wonderful scenery for years afterwards. For those who have not been fortunate enough to experience being up a mountain in winter, however good your description, they still just won’t get it. Your photos probably won’t even do it justice, but your holiday can go so quickly, take a few moments out of each day to stop, look around, and capture that picture forever on your camera. Plus, you can make some great videos when you get back!


Banter… What can we say about banter!? Perhaps it’s just the people I go with, but if there’s one thing I’ve learnt along the way, snowboarding is 50% boarding and 50% people taking the mick out of you, offering out daft challenges, and saying things like “eat my powder”. Remember to pack your wit… 

Lastly, your boarding luggage. We have quite an extensive collection of Boarding and Winter Sports Luggage and accessories that will carry a variety of gear easily and without adding much weight. Whether you’re a Dakine lover or prefer Snokart or Surfanic, we’ve got your back.